Get your solution added to the Department of Defense’s Approved Products List

Get your solution added to the Department of Defense’s Approved Products List
What Is The DoDIN APL?
The Department of Defense created the Department of Defense Information Network Approved Products List (DoDIN APL) in 2011 to identify solutions that were tested and trusted to address government security concerns.
The DoDIN APL represents the agency’s master list of products available for purchase that are secure, trusted, and approved for deployment within the DoD’s technology infrastructure. Over the years, the DoDIN APL has been referred to by many names, including the UC APL (Unified Capabilities Approved Products List), JITC and STIG Testing, and more.
The Standard: DoDIN APL
Listing on the DoDIN APL is required for all products that are implemented into the technology infrastructure of the U.S. DoD by mandate DoDI 8100.04 and fulfills Risk Management Framework (RMF) CS/IA testing requirements.
U.S. government procurement for products that are on the DoD network is limited to only those solutions that have completed the DoDIN APL process.
The DoDIN APL has been referred to by many names, including the UC APL (Unified Capabilities Approved Products List), JITC and STIG Testing, and more.
The Essentials: Security Requirements
To complete the listing process for the DoDIN APL, companies must pass certain requirements for product testing as well as program support. These requirements include:
Product Testing & Requirements
- Cryptography
- Information Assurance
- IPv6
- UCR (2013) Requirements
- CS Testing
- SAR Testing
- IO Testing
Program Support
- Sponsor
- Submission Package
- Tracking Number
- Initial Contact Meeting
- DoD Testing Facility