NSA Reorganization

In December of 2015, we heard about the NSA’s proposed reorganization (its biggest in 20 years) and a few of the potential impacts it could have on the agency and industry as a whole.  One critical area that is still somewhat murky is the impact on the IAD (and NIAP) now that the group is being moved to report to a different division head.

NSA Director Adm. Michael Rogers has stated that this will be the largest reorganization since the early 1990’s, begging the question, how will NIAP policies be impacted following such a large shakeup?  At the moment it is still unclear; but for now we should at least be aware that this is still going on and that these changes could impact future Common Criteria certifications.

Ensure your Common Criteria certification goes on without interruption and you don’t face costly delays as NIAP begins to reshuffle resources and potentially requirements and policy Contact Corsec Today

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